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American Technical Education Association

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ATEA has an opportunity for additional Editorial Review Committee members.

The criteria for participation is an earned doctorate either Ed.D. or Ph.D, a resume or vita, and a one page explanation of your views on academic writing, experience with education and how to evaluate academic writing.  

Please send your information to Dr. Razek,  ATEA Journal editor

Nasser A. Razek, Ed.D.


Higher Education Administration Program
Department of Educational Foundations & Leadership
The University of Akron

ATEA Journal

Is both a magazine and a reviewed and refereed academic journal.  Members are encouraged to write for the ATEA Journal.  The editorial team will guide your work through the review process. The net result is quality articles for publication that meet academic standards for publication.  Articles are indexed through EBSCO.


Dr. Nasser Razek,  Editor of the ATEA Journal, 

Dr. Razek, Assistant Professor, Higher Education Administration, University of Akron.    Dr. Razek   was Clinical Faculty at University of Dayton prior to coming to the University of Akron.   He earned his Doctor of Education at University of Akron where he studied under Dr. Coyner, former ATEA Journal editor.




The ATEA Journal is a refereed journal published by the American Technical Education Association.  It is the official journal of ATEA and is published twice annually (spring and fall).

Indexed and abstracted in Education Research Complete
ISSN 0889-6488

Managing Editor

Sandra  Gehlen Krebsbach, Ph.D.

ATEA Executive Director


Nasser Razek, Ed.D.



Associate Editor 

Marcus Seraphine, MLIS

Head Librarian

Dunwoody College of Technology


Editorial Committee

Susan J. Olson, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio,;  Ron Hutkin, University of Phoenix, Phoenix, Ariz.; Dan Tomal, Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill; Qetler TJ Jensrud, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio; Jane Hildenbrand, formerly Ivy Tech Community College; 


Print Services, Dunwoody College of Technology, 818 Dunwoody Blvd. Minneapolis MN 55403



**ATEA membership includes a subscription to the ATEA Journal.  Institutional members receive three copies of each issue for campus distribution. 

Article Submissions

Submissions can be made in the following categories:

  • Refereed/Research
  • Reviewed/Descriptive
  • Kristal Kleer (opinion)
  • Tips & Training Techniques
  • At-Issue

ATEA JOURNAL Guidelines.pdf

Email Journal article submission to:


American Technical Education Association

premier association for the post secondary technical educator, with emphasis on professional development.

Dunwoody College of Technology
818 Dunwoody Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Dr. Sandra Krebsbach, Executive Director

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